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Types of magic

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Owner of The Dragon's Claw, a quite popular tavern. He has been friends with Jeongguk for quite some time now, and he is often witness of his cocky, rash behavior.

If you ask them about him, many regulars at his tavern will talk to you about his magnetic eyes, his no-bullshit attitude, and his soft spot for Jeongguk.

Jimin and Hobi

Jimin is a tabaxi - a humanoid specie with animal characteristics. Usually they have some feline ancestry, but the two big brown ears on top of his head and his tail more closely resemble those of a desert fox... it's a fennec!

His friendly nature makes him able to adapt to any situation. But don't make the mistake to think his smiles mean he's harmless. When threatened, he's much more dangerous than you might think.

Hoseok is a merchant. Amulets, jewels, pretty silks: in his travelling wagon you can find this, and much more. Some accuse him of having prices too high, but Hoseok always replies with an easy smile that quality is worth spending a few golden coins.

Since he has some magic items among the things he sells, he knows more about magic than the average person. Funnily enough, it's all theory and no practice: he has never used a single magic item in his whole life.


Silver hair and a silver tongue, Taehyung is an elf with many secrets. He carries the elegance typical of his species and his large use of bandanas shows off the pointy ears Jeongguk is so enamored with.

Taehyung is quick, agile, and you shouldn’t underestimate his strength either: his kicks and punches are much more powerful than you would believe.


Taehyung's style is extravagant, colorful, and expensive. A bit too much, if you ask some people.

(Jeongguk often wonders how the elf hopes to go unnoticed, dressed like that.)

Want to see?


With his piercing gaze and fit body, Jeongguk can truly be intimidating… but he rarely wants to be. Cocky and confident, the mage-turned-hunter is much more likely to smirk at you rather than glare.

Jeongguk’s hair is black with a reddish tint that is visible only when the sun shines on it at the right angle. He keeps it short with an undercut for convenience - you have no idea how much pixies like to tug on it.

Jeongguk's Items

Jeongguk’s trusted crossbow is a mix of sophisticated craftsmanship and magic. There are magical gems encrusted on the handle that allow him to give more power to his shots with a simple enchantment.

A token is a powerful type of magic, one that houses the soul of an animal and allows you to draw one useful characteristic from them - their speed, strength, or keen eyesight.

Jeongguk has 3 of them: a bear, a wolf, and a hawk.

Want to know more about tokens? Here!

Keeping track of every creature can be hard. Their characteristics, their weaknesses, their most dangerous traits - Jeongguk writes down everything and keeps his notes with him so he knows what to do when he's on a hunt.

Want to see his notes? Here!

Coming soon...

The Dragon's Claw

The Dragon's Claw is a tavern near the edge of the Baksija Forest. It's a safe place for everyone as long as you don't cause any ruckus, or annoy its owner.

Baksija Forest

The Baksija Forest is vast and full of magic. It occupies such a large part of the Bereude region that many think its name is directly influenced by it and finds its origins in the Ancient Elvish word 'beru', meaning 'green'.

Tonsangoz and the port

While technically the port is part of the city of Tonsangoz, the port has grown so big so fast that most see them as two different entities.

Tonsangoz still feels like a village trying to become a metropolis, but its port has a life of its own: lively and dangerous, a place of trade and shady deals.

Spells, amulets & enchantments

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Spells are the highest form of magic, the most powerful. Made up of intricate magic circles, spells must be learnt by memory to be used.

While the magic circle itself is a way to harness energy, you might need other sources of magic energy (magic crystals, for example) if the spell is especially powerful, and you usually need an enchantment to activate them. This is not the case for every one of them, as there are spells that don’t need spoken words.

There are different schools of thought on how is it possible for simple drawings to hold so much power. Humans and elves have different opinions on the matter.

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Amulets can be seen as a weaker kind of spell. They are made of very simple magic circles that can be sketched in seconds and they need minimal energy to work, to the point where gathering magic from your surroundings is enough to activate them.

They need an enchantment to work, but usually it’s a single word or something just as simple. Unlike spells, you don’t need to study for years to be able to use them.

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Enchantments are often considered to be the basis of human-made magic.

They consist of words spoken aloud with the ability to channel magic energy. Humans, unlike other species, possess very little magic on their own and so they figured out a way to “borrow” it from various sources.

An enchantment can make your arrows shoot faster, for example, but you need a magic crystal, a spell, or to be in a place that has strong magic. You can try to draw the energy from yourself, but it’s very likely to be deadly - unless you are part of a species that is born with magic. Elves, for example, have inherently more magic than humans. So do dragonborns and tieflings, among others.


Magic crystals, potions & tokens

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If nature is the source of true magic, it’s no surprise that gemstones hidden in her depths carry a lot of powerful magic energy. Raw or refined, crystals are the perfect vehicle for your magic.

The downside is that they are much more fragile than you think - for a particularly powerful spell you might need more than one crystal that will crumble to dust after one use. Enchantments erode them instead of disintegrating them, so you might use them a few times before you’re left with nothing more than sparkling dust.

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All of nature's products carry some magic. Flowers and herbs are imbued with it, so by mixing them you can obtain magical items called potions. They can be used to cure illnesses, to make wounds heal faster, to sharpen your senses.

Brewing potions is an art and can’t be done haphazardly: if you make the smallest mistake, you’ll get nothing more than a useless decoction or, in the worst case, a deadly poison. Unless that’s your goal, of course.

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Tokens are powerful magical items shaped like animals that rely on ancient magic. They are able to ensnare the soul of an animal and let their user draw on that animal's strengths – the acute eyesight of an eagle, for example.

Crafting them isn’t simple - you are dealing with the soul of a wild animal, and they often aren’t too keen on being trapped in a token.

Tokens are the items born of nature and they don’t directly rely on the rules of human-made magic. They are almost eternal in terms of times you can use them, as they are not drained and used up the way spells and magic crystals are.

That said, they have their own drawbacks.


Magic in nature

Magic is not a power someone has, but more like a energy that flows in living things. Some creatures (like humans) are less attuned to it but have found ways to harness it.

Nature is dripping with magic. The more mysterious and hidden a place is, the more magic it hosts.

Nature is pure, undiluted magic.